Let me answer most, if not all of your burning questions!

What kind of Gear do you use?

I use full-frame digital cameras, with a variety of lenses, to achieve desired looks.  I also have a variety of remote flashes, strobes, and other du-dads, such as Bubble Guns!!!  

Do you carry liability insurance?  

But of course!

How is your travel fee calculated?

Events taking place outside of RI, and Boston MA will incur a travel fee, typically covering accommodations and/or transportation (gas, tolls, airfare, car rental, etc). If you’re unsure, feel free to contact us, and I’ll be happy to provide you with an estimate.  I only request accommodations for anything over an hour and a half drive from Providence, as that’s an extra 3 hours onto an already long day.  

Can we skip the engagement session?

You’re free to do whatever you’d like! Because it is a complimentary service that I provide, there are no cost-savings that I can offer clients who wish to skip the session altogether.

Can we hire you for only the Engagement Session?

Of course, you can!  To boot, I’d be happy to deduct the cost of your session if you choose to also hire me for your wedding in the future!  

Something came up, can we reschedule our session with you? 

I understand! life happens.  I allow my clients to reschedule up to two times with no penalty, and within my availability.  That’s up to 3 dates total, for any reason.  Literally any reason, before your session, is forfeited.  Events, and Weddings, may not be rescheduled.  Beyond 3 reschedules, will be determined on a case-by-case basis.  

Do we need permits? 

As much as I would like to say no, the reality is that most private properties, parks, and landmarks require permits of some kind.  Clients are responsible for acquiring all required permits for their sessions, and or events.  

Can we book you for more than 10 hrs?

Overtime charges are considered on a case to case basis.  However, I can typically have all deliverable images within the 10 hour time frame.  

Do we tip you?

Tips are always welcomed, but not necessary.  However, if I have additional members on the crew, such as a grip assistant, or associate photographer, I strongly recommend, and encourage that they receive a  tip!

Do we have to feed you?

Although not required, a warm meal is greatly appreciated for full day events.  The photography team is very active throughout the day, running around, carrying heavy equipment.  If meals are not provided after 6 hours of work, we reserve the right to take an hour break off site, to go get a meal.  We are not liable for any missed moments during this break.  If you do provide a meal, it’s best to do this as your guest are being fed.  No one likes having photos taken while putting food in their mouths.  The photography team doesn’t like to sit around hungry, watching others eat, either.  The benefits are that we will be available to hop up, and capture a spontaneous moment that often happen during meal service.  

How many photographers will be working on our wedding day? 

The main package is for just 1 photographer, me, along with a grip assistant to help set up lighting, and carry items for the photographer.  This ensures I’m free to take shots, instead of wasting time setting up the gear.  This is good for events of 120 people or less.  If you have more than 120 guest, ask me about  options to hire a 2nd photographer. 

Do you also offer videography? 

I’m not a videographer.  I’ve been dabbling with making short highlight reels, but it’s not a part of the official package that I offer.  You may end up with a nice two-minute reel with your asset delivery, but it’s not a guarantee.  If you are looking for a videographer, please feel free to ask me for a recommendation.  

I’m still updating this page, and I have a lot of questions to add. Please reach out if you have any other questions not listed, or check back for the updates!  

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